Mastering Keyboard Shortcuts: An A-Z Guide

OLUWAPELUMI - May 23 - - Dev Community

In the digital age, efficiency is key. Whether you're a writer, programmer, or a casual computer user, mastering keyboard shortcuts can significantly boost your productivity and streamline your workflow, right?? Imagine the time saved when you don't have to reach for the mouse for every little task.

Welcome to my comprehensive guide on keyboard shortcuts from A to Z. This guide is designed to help us navigate through the alphabet of shortcuts that can transform the way we interact with your computer even more fun. From basic commands to advanced tricks, i've got you covered.


Ctrl + A = Select all
Ctrl + B = Bold
Ctrl + C = Copy
Ctrl + D = Default font set
Ctrl + E = Center
Ctrl + F = Find
Ctrl + G = Go to
Ctrl + H = Replace
Ctrl + I = Italic
Ctrl + J = Justify
Ctrl + K = Hyperlink
Ctrl + L = Align Text to left
Ctrl + M = Hanging Indent
Ctrl + N = New document
Ctrl + O = Open
Ctrl + P = Print
Ctrl + Q = Add space paragraph
Ctrl + R = Align text to Right
Ctrl + S = Save as
Ctrl + T = Left Indent
Ctrl + U = Underline
Ctrl + V = Paste
Ctrl + W = Close
Ctrl + X = Cut
Ctrl + Y = Repeat/Redo
Ctrl + Z = Undo

By the end of this guide, you'll have a robust set of shortcuts at your fingertips, ready to make your digital life more efficient and enjoyable. So, let's dive in and start mastering the art of keyboard shortcuts from A to Z!

Stay tuned🛎ī¸

THank You

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