Deploying Windows 11 VM in Azure

Blessing Oseyenum - May 23 - - Dev Community

Azure Virtual Machines(vm) are virtualized instances of computer systems that enable users to run applications and services without the need to manage the underlying hardware infrastructure. They provide on-demand, scalable computing resources in the cloud.
Deploying a virtual machine in Azure can be done with a few easy steps. In this post, I'll be deploying a windows 11 vm and connecting to it.
Let's go!

  • Log in to Azure portal. Search for and select virtual machines.

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  • Select + Create.

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  • Give your resource group a name.

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  • Input virtual machine name and select Region.

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  • Select image. I'll be selecting windows 11 pro.

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  • Select size.

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Enter user name, password and confirm password.

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  • Select inbound port.

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  • Check licensing.

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  • Select Review + Create.

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  • Wait for validation, then select Create.

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  • Wait for deployment to complete. Select Go to Resource.

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  • To connect to the virtual machine. Select connect.

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  • Select Native RDP.

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  • Select Download RDP file.

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  • Open RDP file and select connect.

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  • Enter password and select ok to connect.

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  • Click Accept.

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Here is it guys! Our vm is running.

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