New project : Remède

camarm - Jan 4 - - Dev Community

Hi everyone, recently I created a new project named Remède

Remède is a mobile application that provide a french offline dictionary. It's 100% open source and you can download and re-use the dictionary as JSON, SQLite or with the public API.


Actually, the project is functional but very young. I released the V1.0.0 last week and starting planning future functionalities to develop in 2024.

Version 1.0.0

The version 1.0.0 has following functionalities:

  • Download the dictionary
  • Search a word
  • Add a bookmark on a word
  • Correct a text (third-party)
  • Read cheat sheet (no sheet is finished yet)

The goal

The goal is to publish Remède on the Play Store and provide a simple and powerful user experience.

I want to enhance the database with rimes, examples usages. I also want to provide cheat sheet about French grammar and orthography rules. You can contribute on github to support and enhance Remède !

It will be really cool to create a grammar / orthography corrector for Remède instead of using third-parties

Thanks for reading, please consider react to this post and start the repository to give this project a bit of visibility !
Have a nice code,
See you later

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