Scrum Master vs Product Owner

Dhanush - May 23 '23 - - Dev Community

Scrum Master:

Scrum master is responsible for solving the problems that arise during the work. The works of scrum master will be of updating everyday charts, scrum boards and make sure that the principles are followed by the team members. Scrum master conducts meetings, regulate workflow and also help the team members to get adapt themselves to the working agile development methodology.

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Product Owner:

A Product owner is one who owns the product. He/she has to look at the product in the customer point of view. The user experience and the problems that the user might face were recognized by the product owner to ensure the right delivery of the project to the customers.
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A product owner updates the product backlog on everyday
basis. The Product owner can create the priorities and responsibilities based on the requirement. The team members can also change the priorities based on the situation.

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