May 29, 2024

Barsha Kar - May 29 - - Dev Community

When I first heard about coding a few years ago, I didn't realize it will be trending. I wanted to learn but didn't know how. And even after learning how. I just don't wanted to go into the complexity of the different coding languages.

This time, I'm giving it a shot. Someone insisted that maybe I can be good at this.

So, today, I explored a bit about starting to learn web development and found an article that has a briefing of a few resources and every basic detail someone needs to get started.

Out of the course list, I chose FreeCodeCamp. And I am currently learning HTML. So far so good. Let's see how my one hour each day to learn web development goes.

What did I learn?

Well, the heading elements, spacing, paragraph element, adding a comment, and so on. Making a cat app. Well, whatever. I like it.
