2024 Goals (ML, 1024km run, Writing)

John Johnson Okah - Jan 19 - - Dev Community

It's that time of the year when everyone is fired up to set bodacious goals. Now the DEV team has invited us to an accountability party with #devresolutions2024, and I hope we all deliver because it's going to be one hell of a ride once we accept the invitation. This kind of post will come to hunt you at the end of the year if you screw up or it could give you the best feeling in the world - fulfilment.

Here are my

Professional Goals:

  1. Python Certification
    I know Python pretty well, but I feel it would be great to also get a certificate as proof of concept. LinkedIn likes certification, so let's give it more this year ;)
    Resource: HackerRank and freeCodeCamp.

  2. Django Project
    Aside being a Pythonista, I am a Djangonaut. And this year I will commit to developing a production-ready application with Django.

  3. Machine Learning Course
    Given that ML is currently the hottest space, how about we go get some! Okay, not just that; there are other better reasons and I've got plans ;)
    Resource: Fast.ai and HuggingFace

Personal Aspirations:

  1. Conversational Spanish
    As an English speaker and a lazy student, I chose to learn Spanish because I think it is the easiest language for English speakers to learn.
    Resource: Duolingo

  2. Run 1,024 km
    Ever heard of David Goggins? That's the man that made me run a marathon twice and several half-marathons last year. This year I will run at least a total distance of 1024km.
    Resource: MapMyFitness

  3. Chess 1500 Elo Rating
    Let's try to convince whoever will buy the idea that we are smart because we are good at chess. Okay, I just love the game and I want to get better at it. That's it.
    Resource: Chess.com

DEV Community Contributions:

  1. Weekly Post
    I am wondering why I have not been committed to posting on DEV. Most times I feel everything that I want to talk about has already been said, so why bother writing? However, I have found a good reason to write. Here it is: "Do it for you!". The point here is to focus on understanding a concept by writing about it or simply just telling your story as a developer. Hopefully, someone will find it useful but even if it gets zero views and zero likes, you keep writing for you.

    If you can think, and speak, and write, you are absolutely deadly. Writing is thinking formalized. You gain the ability to think by first learning to write very, very carefully.
    — Dr Jordan B. Peterson

  2. Contribute and Collaborate
    I will contribute to the community by sharing my story, moderating regularly, and collaborating with others to make dev.to great again.

So help me God.

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