How to Start From The Bottom

Juled - May 15 - - Dev Community

Embarking on a journey into the realms of cybersecurity and Linux programming can be daunting, especially when starting from scratch. My own path was filled with challenges, but it was my unwavering passion for technology and security that fueled my progress. Here’s a guide on how to start from the bottom, peppered with insights from my personal experience.

Cultivate Curiosity and Passion
My journey began with a simple curiosity about how things work. This curiosity quickly grew into a passion for understanding and securing digital environments. Passion is crucial; it keeps you motivated through the inevitable setbacks and steep learning curves.

Build a Strong Foundation
Learn the Basics of Programming:
Start with a beginner-friendly language like Python. Python’s readability and versatility make it an excellent first language for aspiring cybersecurity professionals. I spent countless hours on free resources like Codecademy and Coursera, Over the Wire challenge , Hack the Box gradually moving to more complex projects .

Understand Computer Networks:
Grasping how data moves across networks is fundamental in cybersecurity. I recommend starting with online courses on platforms like Udemy or using free resources from Cisco’s Networking Academy.

Master the Command Line:
Linux is the backbone of cybersecurity. Familiarize yourself with the Linux command line by installing a Linux distribution (Ubuntu is user-friendly for beginners) and practicing basic commands. Websites like Linux Journey and "The Linux Command Line" book by William Shotts were invaluable to me.

Dive into Cybersecurity
Basic Concepts and Terminologies:
Understanding terms like firewalls, encryption, and penetration testing is essential. Books like "The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing" by Patrick Engebretson provided a great starting point.
Continuous Learning and Community Engagement
Stay Updated:
Cybersecurity is ever-evolving. Follow industry blogs, podcasts, and news sites to stay abreast of the latest threats and technologies. Websites like Krebs on Security and the SANS Internet Storm Center are excellent resources.

Join Communities:
Engaging with communities can provide support and knowledge sharing. I joined forums like NSA (Net Space Albania) and attended local cybersecurity meetups and conferences.

Have good people around you who will help you through your journey:

As for me I have met them for the first time in a discord community NSA (Net Space Albania) and they became my friends my professors .

Apply Your Skills
Build Projects:
Practical projects solidify learning. I built my own home lab, experimenting with setting up a promox server, and simulating attacks in a controlled environment.
