ChatGPT-4o for business: everything you need to know

Kristina Overko - May 31 - - Dev Community


Using Chatgpt for business has become common for many business owners, founders of startups, and even CEOs of enterprises. Today we may use chat gpt for business in many different ways: from marketing content creation to complex inquiries processing from inbound customers.

According to our latest AI statistics, over 50% of companies plan to invest in training departments to help employees get acquainted with ChatGPT and similar AI tools. That means that ChatGPT integration becomes an integral part of almost any business. Moreover, with the release of СhatGPT-4o for business, we may expect tons of new products that will have integration with GPT4o with its new progressive features and possibilities.

So, in this article, we will discover all the benefits and pain points of ChatGPT-4o for businesses. You will get more practical information about this Large Language Model and how it can be used particularly for your existing business or a startup you would like to launch.

ChatGPT-4o Overview

Let’s begin with the basics of GPT-4 Omni and try to understand how it works, what features this LLM has, and how ChatGPT-4o can be used in AI/ML development.

GPT-4o or GPT-4 Omni is a progressive Large Language Model presented by OpenAI on May 13, 2024. This Generative AI model accepts any combination of text, audio, image, and video inputs, and can generate text, audio, and image outputs. OpenAI developed a unified model trained end-to-end across text, vision, and audio. This approach allows a single neural network to process all inputs and outputs, marking a significant milestone in multimodal AI.

Unlike previous versions, GPT-4o can process more information simultaneously, making it ideal for complex business conversations. This capability ensures coherence even with detailed and multifaceted queries. Using the advanced features of GPT-4o, like functions calling, helps businesses integrate AI seamlessly into daily operations, enhancing both communication efficiency and accuracy.

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As measured by traditional benchmarks, GPT-4o delivers GPT-4 Turbo-level performance in text, reasoning, and coding intelligence. It also sets new standards in multilingual, audio, and vision capabilities. The admin console allows companies to manage usage limits and monitor GPT-4o's deployment across various departments, ensuring the AI model is customized to meet specific business needs.

Let’s summarize how we may use ChatGPT-4o for companies and enterprises. GPT-4o (Omni) is a large language model that seamlessly integrates text, audio, image, and video inputs while generating text, audio, and image outputs. Businesses benefit from its ability to handle complex interactions, improve efficiency, and streamline both customer support and internal communications. Additionally, GPT-4o ensures robust data security and offers extensive customization to fit specific business needs.

GPT-4o vs GPT-4 Turbo

As we have already discovered the main capabilities and features of GPT-4o, let’s try to find out how it differs from the previous OpenAI model - GPT-4 Turbo. Previously we found that GPT-4o outperforms GPT-4 Turbo across many tasks, but there are some exceptions:

In complex data extraction tasks requiring high accuracy, both models still need to catch up.
For classifying tasks, GPT-4o demonstrates the highest precision, surpassing GPT-4 Turbo, Claude 3 Opus, and GPT-4.
In reasoning tasks, GPT-4o shows improvement in calendar calculations, time and angle calculations, and antonym identification. However, it continues to struggle with word manipulation, pattern recognition, analogy reasoning, and spatial reasoning.

Latency Comparison
Latency is a crucial factor in evaluating the performance of language models, especially for applications requiring real-time interaction. As anticipated, ChatGPT-4o business exhibits significantly lower latency compared to GPT-4 Turbo, making it more responsive and efficient in handling various tasks.

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This reduction in latency is particularly beneficial for applications like live customer support, where prompt-engineered responses are essential to maintaining customer satisfaction. Lower latency ensures that interactions feel more natural and seamless, closely mimicking human conversation speeds.

Moreover, the enhanced latency performance of GPT-4o allows for more complex and data-intensive operations to be executed more swiftly. This includes real-time data analysis, on-the-fly translation services, and instant feedback in interactive learning environments. By processing information faster, GPT-4o can support more dynamic and interactive user experiences without the delays that can frustrate users.

Overall, the reduced latency of GPT-4o compared to GPT-4 Turbo not only improves user experience but also expands the potential applications for this advanced model in various industries.

Throughput Comparison
In the realm of throughput, previous GPT models faced limitations, with the latest GPT-4 Turbo generating only 20 tokens per second. Recognizing the need for enhanced performance, GPT-4o has made significant advancements, now producing 109 tokens per second. This substantial increase represents a pivotal improvement, addressing the demands for faster and more efficient processing in various business process automation cases.

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Although GPT-4o's throughput is impressive, it is not the fastest model available - Llama hosted on Groq, outpaces it by generating 280 tokens per second. However, throughput is just one aspect of a model's overall capability. Business uses for ChatGPT-4o excel not only in its speed but also in its advanced reasoning and multimodal abilities.

The enhanced throughput of ChatGPT-4o business translates into tangible benefits for enterprises. For instance, it allows for more efficient data processing and faster response times in customer interactions, which are crucial for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction.

In addition, businesses can leverage GPT-4o’s capabilities for predictive analytics, dynamic content generation, and interactive applications, providing a more responsive and engaging user experience.


Let’s make a short conclusion on how GPT-4 compared to GPT-4o. Here are some takeaways:

  1. Data Extraction. GPT-4o outperforms GPT-4 Turbo in data extraction but still lacks the accuracy needed for complex tasks.
  2. Classification. GPT-4o boasts the highest precision, making it the best choice for minimizing false positives. In contrast, GPT-4 Turbo exhibits lower accuracy.
  3. Verbal Reasoning. GPT-4o has made significant improvements in certain reasoning tasks, although there is still room for enhancement. GPT-4 Turbo faces greater challenges in these areas.
  4. Latency. GPT-4o features lower latency, resulting in faster response times compared to GPT-4 Turbo.
  5. Throughput. GPT-4o generates tokens much faster, with a throughput of 109 tokens per second, compared to GPT-4 Turbo’s 20 tokens per second.

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Overall, while ChatGPT-4o for business still has areas for improvement, especially in complex tasks, its overall enhancements make it a more efficient and accurate choice for advanced AI applications.
