Laravel is a mess?

Kevin Naidoo - Feb 21 - - Dev Community

I Love Laravel; I have been using it for years. This is not a rant, just a thought on where the future is with Laravel.

I think there is too much magic happening. Looking at views for example:

  1. Blade.
  2. Interia.
  3. Livewire.
  4. Volt. Not strictly a view layer but essentially it is writing React in PHP.

Then there are components, that make code re-usability better, however, quite often you can just use "@include" to render a partial.

When you look at the @include tag: it's fairly straightforward what is happening here. Especially if you have prior old-school PHP experience with "require_once" and "include".

I am very OCD about minimalism and structure. Laravel 5 was good with sticking to just MVC and a minimal set of features. This allowed for good standardization across various projects.

Now, depending on the developer and team, there are major differences in implementations. Some use Livewire, some use Interia, some use stock standard blade templates, and others components.

Even with Livewire 3, I noticed some differences between minor versions. Where some functionality works in V3.2 but not in V3.3+. Not to mention V2 and V3 are vastly incompatible.

Are we heading towards a modern-day version of Spaghetti code?

What do you think? Why Laravel over Django or other backend frameworks?

🗨️ Django I like a lot, but not so much Python. Mostly because Django is very strict with its structure and maintains good backward compatibility.Read more here on why I think Django is the best web framework.

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