My Experience Listing My Tool on AI-Directories 🤖

Ulric Musset - Jan 23 - - Dev Community

12,000 AI tools featured on 'There's an AI for That'. With so much stuff out there, how do you even get noticed? I'm gonna dig into whether getting on AI directories helps people find your tool.

Why Directories

I remember back in 2008 it was common to get your project listed on various directories to boost your PageRank (it seems no one talks about PageRank anymore nowadays). So I decided to do the same for Marblism.

The plan was to use brute force: list my AI tool on 150 AI directories. There are some lists you can find online and services you can use and they will do it for you. To be honest, I wasn't convinced it would work, but I thought, hey, why not?

The Process

Each directory had its audience, focus, and requirements. The key was not just to list the tool everywhere but to select directories that aligned with your tool’s capabilities and potential user base.

Some directories are not free. For example 'There's an AI for that' charges $150 just to get listed. It's a pretty good business model.

The Waiting Game and Gradual Results

After the listings were completed, it became a waiting game. Initially, the results were not ground-breaking. But over time, a steady stream of traffic began flowing from these directories.

Traffic Impact

Google analytics Nice surprise on Wednesday morning – we got featured!

I was surprised to see Marblism featured in 3 publications:

  • Bensbites

google analytics

Bensbites was the best with 542 people coming in a week to our website.

Decent outcome!

Domain Authority Impact

From 0.2 => 2, still a long way to go but better than 0! It should continue to increase as it has been only a week. I'll monitor and report back.

15th Jan 2024
domain authority
20th Jan 2024
domain authority

Lessons Learned

Here’s what I learned: In a world where every tool is dying for attention, directories are an okay tool in the arsenal. You won't enter hyper-growth mode but if you get featured in a couple of places it's a good way to get some users. ‍

Wishing you the best of luck for your launch!

