The devil in the Computers

MedulHossainMasum01 - May 24 - - Dev Community

Hey there, it's me, Medul Hossain Masum, a programmer, talking to you. We don't talk that much, but yes, we talk a lot to computers, and that's what we're supposed to do. I feel so bad for Gen Z kids. They got nothing to learn. I'm blessed to have been born in a time where I had the chance to learn a lot. And by a lot, I mean a lot.

You know, my life is kinda like Mr. Robot. I have so many visions, but I don't do drugs; it's just the side effects of thinking too much. Sometimes, I don't know what is real and what is delusion. Yo, I've got so many interesting things to tell you about. It's our world. It's totally accessible by a select group of people who are playing god roles without asking. They are always watching you. They preset some keywords, and if you hit that word, you're on their watch list.

I don't get it—why do they have Chinese servers in a simple rice cooker? They are planning something big, bigger than you can imagine. The AI you can't even fathom was developed many years ago. But they are only revealing it now. AI is far more dangerous than you think. It's like a devil in the computers.

I will reveal some deadly things about what's going with our technology very soon.

Stay vigilant.

Medul Hossain Masum

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