Vagrant provisioning with Sparrowdo

Alexey Melezhik - Jan 15 '18 - - Dev Community

Sparrowdo Vagrant support

With the latest commits of Sparrowdo project it's possible to provision Vagrant boxes.

The interface might change, however for those who're curios of what is going on:

Spin up your Vagrant host

$ vagrant up 
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Create some Sparrowdo scenario

$ nano sparrowfile 
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
directory "/opt/my/directory";
file "/opt/my/directory/file", %( content => "hello" );
package-install "nginx";
service-start "nginx";
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Run sparrowdo scenario on vagrant host by ssh

$ sparrowdo --vagrant --bootstrap 
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Why this is useful?

  • you don't want to bother with Vagrant shell provisioning, which might be tough
  • you separate provision logic and bootstrap logic ( sparrowfile and Vagrantfile )
  • you want to try nifty Sparrowdo configuration management tool on your Vagrant boxes
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