Building a Large Japanese Web Corpus for Large Language Models

Mike Young - May 1 - - Dev Community

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called Building a Large Japanese Web Corpus for Large Language Models. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on Twitter.


  • This paper describes the construction of a large Japanese web corpus for use in training large language models.
  • The authors collected a diverse set of web pages in Japanese from various sources, including news articles, blogs, and forums.
  • They then processed the data to remove low-quality content and ensure the corpus is suitable for training large language models.
  • The resulting corpus contains over 100 billion tokens, making it one of the largest publicly available Japanese language datasets.

Plain English Explanation

Building large language models, like the ones used for tasks such as natural language processing, requires a lot of text data to train on. In this paper, the researchers set out to create a large, high-quality corpus of Japanese web content that could be used to train these powerful AI models.

They gathered web pages from a variety of sources, including news sites, blogs, and online forums. This gave them a diverse set of text covering many different topics and styles of writing. However, not all web content is equally useful for training language models, so the researchers also spent time cleaning up the data, removing low-quality or irrelevant material.

After this processing, the final corpus contained over 100 billion words of Japanese text - an immense amount of data that can be used to pre-train large language models specifically for the Japanese language. This will enable the development of more capable and accurate AI systems that can understand and generate natural-sounding Japanese.

Technical Explanation

The authors first crawled a wide range of Japanese web pages from sources like news sites, blogs, and online forums. This gave them a diverse corpus covering many topics and writing styles. They then processed the raw web data to remove low-quality content, such as pages with excessive ads, broken links, or non-textual content.

To further improve the quality of the corpus, the researchers used a number of filtering techniques. This included removing near-duplicate pages, pages with low word counts, and pages with a high proportion of non-Japanese text. They also removed pages containing inappropriate or offensive content.

The final clean corpus contained over 100 billion tokens of Japanese text. This makes it one of the largest publicly available Japanese language datasets for training large language models. The authors believe this resource will enable the development of more capable Japanese language AI systems, including those for natural language processing and machine translation.

Critical Analysis

The researchers thoroughly describe their data collection and curation process, which is important for ensuring the quality and representativeness of the final corpus. However, they do not provide much detail on the specific sources of the web pages (e.g., the distribution across different types of sites) or the geographic/demographic coverage of the content.

Additionally, while the corpus size is impressive, the authors do not compare it to other available Japanese language datasets. It would be helpful to understand how this corpus fits in with the broader landscape of resources for Japanese NLP and language model training.

Lastly, the paper does not discuss potential biases or limitations of the web-crawled data, such as over-representation of certain topics or perspectives. Further analysis of the corpus characteristics and potential issues would strengthen the critical evaluation of this work.


This paper presents the construction of a large, high-quality Japanese web corpus containing over 100 billion tokens of text. The authors describe their thorough process of crawling, filtering, and cleaning the data to create a resource suitable for training advanced language models.

The resulting corpus is one of the largest publicly available Japanese language datasets, which will likely enable significant advancements in Japanese natural language processing and the development of more capable AI systems for the Japanese market. This work contributes an important building block for the future of Japanese language technology.

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