How to set time intervals on the timeline?

Siji Chen - May 12 - - Dev Community


How to set time intervals on the timeline?


When the x-axis type = time, how is the tick interval configured? I want to customize the time interval, for example: interval in "days".


You can control the interval between different ticks in the timeline by configuring axes.tickStep. Note: tickStep needs to be configured with a second timestamp.

Code Example

const spec = {
  color: [
  type: 'rangeColumn',
  direction: 'horizontal',
  yField: 'type',
  minField: 'start_time',
  maxField: 'end_time',
  seriesField: 'color',
  dataZoom: [
      orient: 'bottom',
      height: 20,
      start: 0.1,
      endValue: 1681956000,
      filterMode: 'axis',
      brushSelect: false,
      startText: {
        formatMethod: text => Math.floor(text)
      endText: {
        formatMethod: text => Math.floor(text)
  axes: [
    { orient: 'left', type: 'band', bandPadding: 0.5, visible: false },
      type: 'time',
      orient: 'bottom',
      layers: [
          tickStep: 28800,
          timeFormat: '%Y%m%d %H:%M'
  title: {
    textStyle: {
      character: [
          text: 'Time-Consuming Distribution',
          fontWeight: 400,
          fill: '#222'
          text: 'Show the SQL distribution of TOP 100',
          fontWeight: 200,
          fontSize: 10,
          fill: '#555'
  tooltip: {
    visible: true,
    dimension: {
      visible: false
    mark: {
      title: {
        key: 'Query ID',
        value: datum => 'Query ID: ' + datum['id']
      content: [
          key: 'Time Consuming',
          value: datum => datum['useTime']
          key: 'start time',
          value: datum => datum['start_time']
          key: 'end time',
          value: datum => datum['end_time']
  data: [
      id: 'data0',
      values: [
          start_time: 1681926000,
          end_time: 1681927200,
          type: 'TOP 1',
          color: 'A',
          id: 'a90292870-9282',
          useTime: '100ms'
          start_time: 1681926000,
          end_time: 1681959600,
          type: 'TOP 2',
          color: 'B',
          id: 'a90292870-9282',
          useTime: '100ms'
          start_time: 1681925400,
          end_time: 1681974000,
          type: 'TOP 3',
          color: 'C',
          id: 'a90292870-9282',
          useTime: '100ms'
          start_time: 1681924800,
          end_time: 1681933200,
          type: 'TOP 4',
          color: 'D',
          id: 'a90292870-9282',
          useTime: '100ms'
          start_time: 1681959600,
          end_time: 1681963200,
          type: 'TOP 5',
          color: 'E',
          id: 'a90292870-9282',
          useTime: '100ms'
          start_time: 1681970400,
          end_time: 1681971000,
          type: 'TOP 5',
          color: 'F',
          id: 'a90292870-9282',
          useTime: '100ms'
          start_time: 1681992000,
          end_time: 1681992600,
          type: 'TOP 5',
          color: 'G',
          useTime: '100ms'
          start_time: 1681956000,
          end_time: 1681963200,
          type: 'TOP 6',
          color: 'H',
          id: 'a90292870-9282',
          useTime: '100ms'
          start_time: 1681990200,
          end_time: 1681993800,
          type: 'TOP 7',
          color: 'I',
          id: 'a90292870-9282',
          useTime: '100ms'
          start_time: 1681948800,
          end_time: 1681959600,
          type: 'TOP 8',
          color: 'J',
          id: 'a90292870-9282',
          useTime: '100ms'
          start_time: 1681945200,
          end_time: 1681956000,
          type: 'TOP 9',
          color: 'K',
          id: 'a90292870-9282',
          useTime: '100ms'

const vchart = new VChart(spec, { dom: CONTAINER_ID, animation: false });

// Just for the convenience of console debugging, DO NOT COPY!
window['vchart'] = vchart;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Online demo:

Related Documentation

Time Axes Demo:
Time Axes Tutorial:\_docs/Chart\_Concepts/Axes
Related Api:

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