A Guide To Web Accessibility Best Practices

Tasfia Islam - May 6 - - Dev Community

Web Accessibility is about removing barriers and providing equal access to digital technologies to all users creating an inclusive digital age for people with disabilities.
Let's learn how can we make our websites more inclusive and accessible to all.

1. Semantic HTML:

Semantic HTML such as <button>, <input>, <form>, <nav>, <header>, <footer> clearly describe what they mean to both the browser and developer. These play a crucial role in making your website accessible to people who rely on assistive technologies such as screen reader; whereas non-semantic elements like <div> and <span> tell us nothing about the content making it confusing for users relying on assistive technologies.
Embracing semantic HTML, makes your code cleaner and logical with enhanced SEO and improved Accessibility giving a positive user experience for everyone who interacts with your website.

2. Alt Text for Images:

Not adding Alt text to images can be disappointing for people with visual impairment who are navigating your website through assistive technologies. Moreover, alt text provides additional context for images creating better user experience and also improves the search engine optimization (SEO) of the website.

3. Add Keyboard Navigation:

Keyboard navigation ensures that people who cannot use a mouse and also people who travel with laptop can still have the best user experience. Make sure to maintain tab navigation for all interactive elements such as buttons, links, menus etc along with keyboard friendly actions like button click. Adding visible focus indicator, highlights are also helpful for user experience.

4. Contrast & Color Accessibility:

Contrast and color accessibility is crucial for individuals with visual impairment and color blindness. Contrast and color accessibility requirements should follow Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) which suggest a minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text.

5. Form Accessibility:

Accessible forms are easier to use for all users despite the complexity of forms providing better understanding of the form and how to complete it.
Some key considerations and best practices for forms are:

  • Using <label> to associate labels with form controls such as input fields, radio buttons and checkboxes.
  • Group and associate related form controls using <legend> and <fieldset>. This is important for complex forms with multiple sections.
  • Validate form using attributes like required , maxLength etc.
  • Provide proper instructions to the form areas and notifications upon submission.
  • Use proper keyboard navigation as mentioned before.

6. Focus Management:

People using a screen reader, keyboard or emulated keyboard should be able to use the interface without any difficulty.
Focus accessibility can be achieved by ensuring tab index and focus order, using custom css style for focus, trapping keyboard focus within a component, avoiding keyboard shortcuts etc. Read more

7. Aria Roles and Attributes:

ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) provide additional information regarding the element's purpose and functionality to assistive technologies. ARIA roles and labels are effective because these

  • help screen readers to grasp the web application better and make it more understandable for users with disabilities.
  • give purpose and meaning to HTML elements and the contents with role="button", role="alert" etc.
  • provide more information about the state, properties or behavior of the elements. Examples - aria-expanded, aria-hidden

As web developers, its our responsibility to ensure the fundamental principle of inclusivity and equality on the internet. Accessibility benefits all, not only people with disabilities; it enhances user experience for everyone and anyone can access and interact with our website easily.

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