Why Vite.js Is Trending Everywhere

Yash Dayama - May 9 - - Dev Community

Vite.js: The Fast Way to Build Modern Websites

Vite.js helps developers make websites quickly. It's all about speed and making the development process better.

It's popular because it's fast and easy. It's like Vite and webpack are the superheroes that make big web projects less messy.

Why is Vite Getting So Popular?

Even though it's only been around for four years, Vite is making waves. It's a special tool for making web projects faster and simpler.

What Makes Vite Special?

A quick dev server: This helps developers work fast. It uses special features like hot module replacement to speed things up.

A tool for building: Vite bundles your code neatly for the final website. This makes the website load quickly and work well.

How Did We Get Here?

In the past, working with JavaScript was simpler. But as websites got more complex, so did JavaScript. People started using tools like Gulp and Grunt to handle all the complicated stuff.

    <title>Web app</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//my.cdn/script.js"></script>
    <!-- Content here -->
        var scope = {}
        //work with js
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then came Webpack. It was a big deal because it made bundling JavaScript easy. But developers wanted something even faster.

That's where Vite comes in.

How Does Vite Work?

Vite's magic lies in how it handles different parts of your project:

  • It separates the parts of your code that rarely change from the ones that do.

  • The parts that don't change much are bundled together quickly.

  • The parts that change a lot are served directly to your browser, so you can see changes instantly.

  • Vite makes development faster without sacrificing performance.

Cold Start Speed

Traditional bundler-based setups involve eager crawling and necessitate building the entire application before serving, leading to noticeable delays, particularly in complex projects.

Vite revolutionizes cold starts with a fundamentally different approach, dramatically reducing initialization time:

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Comparison for bundle dev base server and Native ESM based Server

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Vite utilizes native ES modules to serve source code, minimizing server load and latency. Source code transformation and serving occur upon browser requests, enhancing efficiency and reducing wait times.

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Webpack, on the other hand, adopts a bundle-based approach, pre-bundling source code and dependencies, extending server start times during development. Compared to Vite’s efficient initialization, Webpack’s server setup time is inherently longer.

Why Should You Care?

Vite is changing the game for web developers. It's making things easier and faster, which means developers can spend more time creating and less time waiting.

Try Vite and see how it can supercharge your web projects!

Happy Coding 💾

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