Duplicate Detection Rules in Dynamics 365 CRM.

ZA5-TFH - May 9 - - Dev Community

Duplicate detection Rules

As the name implies, this is a rule set to detect duplicity of records in Microsoft Dynamics 365.
This is one of the most important, if not the most important function to set, as it maintains data accuracy and consistency throughout the platform.

Duplicate detection rules filter through everything in the system once it has been enabled, ranging from data imports, leads to contacts, including comparing entities everytime there is an update or a new record is created.

The first step to making use of duplicate detection rules is to enable the function.

To enable duplicate detection: Navigate to Settings > Data Management.
select duplicate detection rules.Enable duplicate detection by setting the "duplicate detection" option to "Yes."

After enabling duplicate detection,
you can now go ahead to create duplicate detection Rules.
Go to Settings > Data Management > Duplicate Detection Rules. Click "New" to create a new duplicate detection rule. The rules being created need to be defined by a unique criteria that identifies duplicate records based on specific fields e.g email address, name, custom fields.
Choose the match type (Exact Match etc.) based on your requirements.

After creating a duplicate detection rule, you need to activate it to make it effective. Select the rule you created and click "publish"

Finally decided what happens when duplicates are found.
Go to Settings > Data Management > Duplicate Detection Settings.Configure the settings for duplicate detection (e.g allow or prevent the creation of duplicate records).
