Manufacturers innovate with Brainboard

Mike Tyson of the Cloud - May 28 - - Dev Community

Leading manufacturers are investing in automation and digital capabilities. Traditional practices are being modernized with cloud infrastructure to boost revenue and reduce operating expenses.

Elastic infrastructure creates new opportunities for differentiation, but it also increases the attack surface for hackers.

To achieve new levels of innovation — along with security and compliance — top manufacturers work with Brainboard. Learn how they are using Brainboard to deliver new customer experiences, and to run more securely and efficiently.

The visibility, transparency, and control we have with Brainboard eliminates so many of the service discovery and connectivity obstacles that used to prevent us from working as quickly and efficiently as we wanted.


Manufacturers need to rapidly deploy and integrate new production lines to meet market demands or innovate product offerings. Traditional infrastructure management can delay these deployments, affecting time to market and operational efficiency.

Brainboard accelerates digital transformation for manufacturers around the world

Brainboard enables manufacturers to quickly design, simulate, and deploy cloud infrastructures that support new production lines. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows even those with limited coding knowledge to participate in infrastructure setup, speeding up the deployment process and ensuring that production lines are up and running faster.


Infrastructure as Code provisioning

  1. Rapid Prototyping: Use Brainboard’s designer to create and test new production line setups in a virtual environment before actual deployment, accelerating cloud adoption.
  2. Integration of IoT and Automation Tools: Seamlessly integrate IoT devices and automation tools into the production line through easy-to-configure cloud infrastructure templates.
  3. Real-time Monitoring and Adjustments: Use Brainboard’s visual monitoring tools to oversee production lines and make immediate adjustments and quickly respond to new market opportunities, seasonal campaigns, product launches and security incidents.
  4. Protect customer data and business systems through zero trust security and improve efficiency across multi-cloud environments.


Manufacturers reduce the time it takes to bring new production lines online from weeks to days, significantly increasing their agility. Enhanced ability to respond to market trends and technological advances results in better product quality and higher customer satisfaction.

Ready to get started?

Talk to our technical sales team to answer your questions.

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