rust lifeCycle

Zhangwuji - May 29 - - Dev Community

what is lifeCycle?

let a = String::from("ss");
let b;

  let c=String::from("test");


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&c will not live long enough;
you can solve this problem

    let mut b;

        let c=String::from("test");

    let c2=String::from("test");
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because &c will not be given the control' itself to b; so &c will be destroied; b now is null;if this situation in other language, will throw null pointer error

    let mut b;

        let c=String::from("testfffffffffgggg");
        // let g=Box::new(c);


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now the control of c is given to b; the memory of c in head will not be destroied。


fn test(&'a a,&'b b) -> &'a {
   retun b

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&'a &'b indicate different lifecycle


fn test2(&a a) -> &a{

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&a equal &'a a if the parameter only have one. this 'a could be omited


pub struct NewArticle<T> {
    pub headline: String,
    pub content: String,
    pub location: T,

impl<T> NewArticle <T> {
    fn summarize(&self,ff:T) -> String {
        //   let content= self.content;
        //   return  content;
        return format!("{}", self.content);

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&self euqal &'a self

how to use life cycle in Gernerics?

pub struct A <'a>{

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  struct A<'a, T> {
        a: &'a T,
        b: &'a T,
    impl<'a, T> A<'a, T> {
        fn new(one: &'a T, two: &'a T) -> Self {
            A { a: one, b: two }

        fn first(self) -> &'a T {

        fn update(self){
            // self.a.push

    let b = A::new(&[1, 23], &[1, 23]);
let c = A::new(&1, &2);
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1 is i32 type. it staies in stack, &1 is reference of i32. it also staies in stack。

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