rust vector and for

Zhangwuji - May 21 - - Dev Community

Vector is an array it's length can be expended。

//empty Vector
let mut a = Vec::new();
// init with one element at least
let mut a1= vec![1,2,33,44,55];
// the elements inner vec instace must be same type
enum One {
let mut a1= vec![One::ha,One::String(String::from("你好"))];
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so how to traverse a1 it's type is vec;
recommond for in;

enum One {
let mut a1= vec![One::ha,One::String(String::from("你好"))];
for item in a1 {



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in a1 the control is given to “for”,So after excuted for statement;
a1 was destroied;

you must use &a in order to borrow the reference;like bellow

enum One {
let mut a1= vec![One::ha,One::String(String::from("你好"))];
for item in &a1 {


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  1. for statement any Type that implement Iterator trait can be traverse by for; if the value was traverse is not a borrow refrence; like this
   let  mut hh=Person {

    let mut a = vec![ hh];

for item in a{


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if you want change the element in for statement;
something remember;

Even though a variable is mutable or immutable;
the item is default setted up to immutable;
so if you want item to be settted to mutable;

Just like this;

 for mut item in  a{ =String::from("lo");

 for mut item in  &a{ =String::from("lo");
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followed situation is not allowed;

  for &item in  a{ =String::from("lo");
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why? let me analyse which steps happen?

one: take the element of a out of a;
move the control of element to item;
So & and item are combind into &item which regard as reference of the element。

  1. a is not a borrow reference; so item'type expect to be the type of element; so this won't work. 2.if a is borrow reference;
  for &item in  &a{ =String::from("lo");

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reference a dose't have the control of a.So &a is not allowed to move the control of emenet to item; So this won't work.
one situation will work;
if the type implement copy trait; such as u8, u64..,bool,“char”,

   let a = vec![1,2,4,3];
    for &item in  &a{


   let a = vec!["s","sa","sad"];

    for &item in  &a{
        let g=item;

   let a = vec![true];

    for &item in  &a{
        let g=item;

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remember one strange situation

let mut a =vec![String::from("hello"),String::from("world")];
for  item in &mut a {

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item* did not mean control moving. item* mean read from head. item* = String::from("12312") mean write from head.
follow case mean control moving;

let a=*item
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